AWS console
Two types of user: ROOT USRE and IAM user.
Multifactor authenticatoin
User infromation:
AWS region:
$ aws --version
# To config credentials
$ aws configure --profile myteste
AWS access key ID: xxxxddd
AWS secret access key; xxxxxx
Default region: us-east-1
Default output: json
# Now you can execute aws commands
$ aws s3 ls --profile myteste
EC2 is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developer
When to use:
Main concetps for EC2:
Instance types
Root device type
Amazon Machine Image AMI
Purchase options/types
On demand
- Go to and search for EC2
- Select for "launch instance"
- Select an image of your preference: AWS marketplace, community, your AMIs
- Select instance type of your preference:
- NOTE `12.micro is FREE tiere elegible`
- Click on `Configure instance details` and you can select the paramteres you need
- You can also `enable` the `auto asign public ip`
- In the section `advance details-> user data`, you can copy the shell command to run in the new EC2 instance.
- in the user data you can add shell comamnds such as:
yum install httpd -y
service httpd start
- You can add a tag which is a {ID:value}
- Configure the security group
- For http you need to include SSH from your IP , and HTTP for everyone(
- Review it and then launch it
- YOu need to use a ssh key pair: public and private keys to ssh the EC2 instance
- Select the EC2 instance
- Click Actions and then select instance state and then terminate
- Support specific set of tech
![EBs general elastic beanstalk](/devops/aws/cloudpractitioner/ebsgeneral.png?width=50pc)
- Feautures:
- Monitoring
- Deployment
- Scaling
- EC2 customization
- When to use:
![EBs use case](/devops/aws/cloudpractitioner/ebsusecases.png?width=50pc)
- Visit the developer page for EBS and select the correct package you want to use
- Donwload the package
- Go to EBS console
- Click get started
- Type application name
- Choose the platform
- You can upload your code
- click Create App
- In the console
- Click in Actions
- Select : Termiante environment
- Enter the name of the app
- Hit terminate
Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or manging servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume. You can run code for virtually any type of app or backend service - all with zero admin
In general the main feature of Lambda are:
Case 1: One workload will leaverage at least for 5 years.
Case 2: Developer who does not know about infrastrcuture
Case 3: If any workload can be stop and start at anytime
VPC is a logically isolated section fothe AWS cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define
It is a cloud service solution that makes it easy to establicsk a dedicated network connection from yur data center to AWS.
Elasticity is the ability for the infrastcuture, supporting an app, to grow and contract based on how much it is used at a point in time
Main features