
This page list some of the small projects I worked in during my free time in ad-hoc mode.


A baby monitoring trail.

Wawa, from the Aymara Baby, is a project inspired in how to help a mum to keep one eye in her newborn baby while she is executing some activity inside the house, in particular in the case when the newborn baby is sleeping and you want to monitor your baby.


Qilquiri, from the Aymara Writer, is a helper that generates snipes of common Java-base code from a Vim session. For example, create a class signature by just presing two keys.


Achachachi is the name of a small town located on the Altiplano in the South American Andes. This project is a small set of scripts to re-deploy my laptop configuration. When my laptop broken or simply needs to be re-installed, "I need to back to Achacachi" to get all the configuration back as before.