
Below are suggested steps to work with CodeCommit from Command line

  • NOTE

  • You need to have AWSCodeCommitPowerUser or similar in your AWS account profile in the section Permission policies*
  1. Be sure you have a public key upload into your IAM profile

    • To check if you have already one or more public keys in AIM

          $ aws iam list-ssh-public-keys
              "SSHPublicKeys": []
    • If you have not any public key updated, then update one:

              $ aws iam upload-ssh-public-key \
                        --user-name percy  \
                        --ssh-public-key-body file:///home/percy/.ssh/
                  "SSHPublicKey": {
                      "UserName": "percy",
                      "SSHPublicKeyId": "DDDDHJCVLNXXXXX",
                      "Fingerprint": "as:as:as:as:sa;as;ads",
                      "SSHPublicKeyBody": "ssh-rsa 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",
                      "Status": "Active",
                      "UploadDate": "2020-10-21T12:06:48+00:00"

      Now you can double check that you have your key uploaded

          $ aws iam list-ssh-public-keys
              "SSHPublicKeys": [
                      "UserName": "percy",
                      "SSHPublicKeyId": "DDDDDDXXXHaADFDASDF",
                      "Status": "Active",
                      "UploadDate": "2020-10-21T12:06:48+00:00"

      For a specific user

          $ aws iam list-ssh-public-keys  --user-name percy

      From this output we need the SSHPublicKeyId

  2. Create a repository in CodeComimt

    • Minimal

      $ aws codecommit create-repository \
              --repository-name MyDemoRepo \
              --repository-description "A demo repository"   
          "repositoryMetadata": {
              "accountId": "2341234233434",
              "repositoryId": "27ada71-asfdasfdasdf-sdfasdfas",
              "repositoryName": "MyDemoRepo2",
              "repositoryDescription": "My demonstration repository2",
              "lastModifiedDate": "2020-10-21T12:52:05.031000+00:00",
              "creationDate": "2020-10-21T12:52:05.031000+00:00",
              "cloneUrlHttp": "",
              "cloneUrlSsh": "ssh://",
              "Arn": "arn:aws:codecommit:us-east-2:12334345234523:MyDemoRepo2"

      From here we will need the cloneUrlSsh

    • Creating a repository with TAGS

      $ aws codecommit create-repository \
              --repository-name MyDemoRepo \
              --repository-description "A demo repository"   
              --tags Team=SuperDev
  3. Clone a remote repository

    $ git clone ssh://SSHPublicKeyId@cloneUrlSsh
    # For example
    $ git clone ssh://

    Where you can get your SSHPublicKeyId and cloneUrlSsh from

    $ aws iam list-ssh-public-keys  --user-name percy
    $ aws codecommit get-repository --repository-name MyDemoRepo
  4. Testing

    $ cd MyDemoRepo
    $ echo " Jallalla ..."> test.txt
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Jallalla message"
    $ git push origin master

    code commit push example

    You can verify this by login to the AWS console and browsing the “CODE COMMIT” console

  5. References: