
Very brief overview

NDN for MANETs approach, represented as nMANET, aims to offer an alternative perspective on how the characteristics of NDN can be utilised to solve the limitations of MANETs. nMANET has its roots in Named Data Network NDN, an instance of Content Centric Networks CCN. In contrast with traditional TCP/IP networks, CCN enables content addressing instead of host based communication, and secures the content instead of securing the communication channel between hosts. Therefore the content can be obtained from the intermediate caches or final information producers.

Though NDN has proven to be an effective design in wired networks, it does not perfectly fit in Mobile Adhoc Networks. This is due to the high mobility of mobile devices and their resource constrains such as remaining energy in batteries. nMANET intends to fill this gap by developing a prototype called JNFD and Mini-JNFD.

More details about the project will be released in the last trimester of 2020