
General hints

Ctrl B + one of the following keys:

	 . 	Move current window
	 / 	Describe key binding. Get more info about a key binding
 	 ;	Move previous active window in a pane
	 =	Choose a paste bufffer from a list
	 C	Upper case C. Custome options and get information about key binding
   	 [	Enter copy mode
	 ] 	Paste most recent past  buffer
	 l	Letter l lowercase, select previous window
	 {	Swap pane above
	 }	Swap pane below
	 M-o	Rotate
	 E	Resize windwos to same size
	 vi	Select all between specific char, i.e. vi" select all text between two "
         di	Deelete all between two specific chars
         #     	List buffer
         &      Kill current window
	 -	Delete most recent buffer
      space	Next layout